Introduction to Vedic Astrology
Indian Astrology, also known better as Vedic Astrology, is a modern term that refers to a highly developed and complex system of...

The Power Of Thought
My little journey How did I come here? Yes, I also find myself surprised when I feel that the Grace is using me as a vehicle to bring...

The Sound Journey
At this year's World Yoga Festival, we are pleased to offer you the opportunity to take part in a healing and restorative Sound Journey...

Introducing Ayurveda
AYURVEDA is a union of the two words 'AYUR' + 'VEDA'. 'AYUR' means life and 'VEDA' is a body of knowledge. Combining the two words yield...

Mind control
In the West, we think that many of the problems of human suffering are to be found in the mind. The East thinks differently, they do not...

What does laughter yoga add to mindfulness?
As one of our dynamic teachers at World Yoga Festival this summer, Joe Hoare runs the Bristol Laughter Club, which is over 13 years old...