Helen Macpherson

Helen Macpherson is a yoga teacher, therapist and teacher trainer in the tradition of TKV Desikachar and Sri T Krishnamacharya with a special interest in the use of sound and mantra. She has studied Vedic chanting for over twenty years and ran an international Vedic Chant teacher training course with her own chant teacher Radha Sundararajan. She is currently Head of Chanting for The Society of Yoga Practitioners, the national organisation for this tradition.
Outer Air To Inner Space. A journey from our outer environment, via the breath (pranayama) and the voice (chanting/mantra) to the calm, clarity of our Inner Space. A meditative practice using our natural abilities to move from the grosser level of experience, our shared world, to a place where our true, innate potential resides, a place of space and clarity. Helen will be running this class with Andy Curtis-Payne.