Swami Ambikananda

Swami Ambikananda began her Yoga studies forty-five years ago when she met her guru, Swami Venkatesananda, the world-renowned Sanskrit scholar and disciple of Swami Sivananda, founder of the international Divine Life Society.Swami Venkatesananda trained her in Yoga and Vedanta, encouraging her to find the inner meaning of ancient texts, mantra and asana by searching out the spiritual truths of each. She is a certified acupuncturist and combines this with Yoga to support health, teaching and running a clinic in the UK. In 1998, on the banks of the Ganga in Rishikesh, she was initiated into sannyas
by Swami Chidananda, then President of Sivananda Ashram. She has since founded the Traditional Yoga Association in the UK which, as well as training Yoga teachers and offering workshops on all aspects of Yoga, organises the Mukti Project, raising funds for homeless people in India and the UK. Several
of her translations of Sanskrit texts have been published, including The Katha Upanishad ~ the first ‘how-to’ manual of Yoga.