Stewart Gilchrist

Stewart Gilchrist is a senior registered yoga teacher known throughout London for his popular, innovative, authentic dynamic classes. He infuses his high energy and challenging teachings with yogic knowledge, as well as his unique charisma, politics and humour. His classes include an emphasis on breath, vinyasa and philosophy with physical adjustments.Stewart applies the original teachings of yoga to the modern world to create thought-provoking classes.Having studied both aṣṭāṅga and Jivamukti Yogas since the late 1990s,Stewart’s sādhanā led him to train all over the world with teachers who
have had a profound effect on his unique style of teaching.Stewart has a Masters Degree in Traditions of Yoga and Meditation from SOAS University London. He is currently a PhD candidate at SOAS in yoga
related research.He offers his eternal gratitude to all his teachers: Sabel Thiam, Jennifer Dale, Hamish Hendry, David Life, Sharon Gannon, Yogacharya V.Sheshadri and Swami Nirmalananda.