Dan Joy
Dan is an author, life coach, mediator, cuddle therapist and lomi lomi massage teacher.
Having degrees in theology, organisational development supervision and bank management, he's got a versatile experience both in working in the corporate sector and in the field of complementary therapy.
Dan's liberating journey towards self-expression and compassion guided him through shadows and lights, expending the embodiment of this human existence to be one where your eyes see heaven but your feets are rooted in earth.
His mission is to facilitate the awakening of humankind, with the gift of being able to help people to feel home in their bodies.
For more about meditation, breathwork, coaching and stress management visit: www.presenceinstress.com
For more about one-on-one or multiple-handed, day-long lomi lomi rituals visit: www.stayintouch.earth
Now breath in. And breath out.
Be here. And be now.
In your body.
And beyond.
This is home...
... this is home.