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Weekly Vedanta Classes starting in the New Year

If you have ever asked the questions “who am I”, “where do I fit in the world” or “Is there a higher power in the world” and cannot get the answers from elsewhere then this might be just right for you.


Ram Banerjee will be starting a series of classes on Advaita Vedanta (non-dual teaching) at 10.30am every Sunday from 6 January 2019 at Reading International Solidarity Centre (RISC). The 1-hour talks followed by Q&A will cover key aspects of non-dual teaching and is meant for all levels including absolute beginners.


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Ram has the ability to clearly state what is often seen to be a difficult subject and many have benefitted from his talks at the World Yoga Festival as well as his regular Vedanta & Meditation classes. The Sunday classes are free, although donations will be sought to support the registered charity Arsha Kula Foundation which runs the festival, individual talks and courses to bring the wisdom of the East to a Western audience.


When:             10.30 am every Sunday starting 6 January 2019

Where:            Reading International Solidarity Centre (RISC)

How Long:       1 hour followed by Q&A

Cost:                Free (donations sought)


Everybody is welcome. Look forward to seeing you there.

Click here to see the video recording of our Weekly classes

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