Andy Curtis-Payne

Andy Curtis-Payne is a highly experienced yoga teacher with over thirty years in the tradition of Sri T Krishnamacharya and TKV Desikachar. He was personally appointed as a Teacher Trainer by TKV Desikachar himself in 2008 and has studied many times at the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in India. This is a tradition which emphasises holistic yoga for everyone with a very broad range of tools and techniques. As well as teaching classes, training students and mentoring yoga teachers Andy has particularly focused on working therapeutically with individuals with a range of physical, mental and emotional conditions and is keen to promote the highest standards in this area. He has acted as Chair of both TSYP and the British Council for Yoga Therapy.
Outer Air To Inner Space. A journey from our outer environment, via the breath (pranayama) and the voice (chanting/mantra) to the calm, clarity of our Inner Space. A meditative practice using our natural abilities to move from the grosser level of experience, our shared world, to a place where our true, innate potential resides, a place of space and clarity. Andy will be running this class with Helen Macpherson.