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Kim Allyson

Thai Yoga Massage


A powerful system of Yoga therapy combining rhythmic massage, acupressure & yoga style stretches.

Thai bodywork, works your whole body & has many benefits such as opening up joints, releasing tension and is excellent for your spine, hips & shoulders helping you to be supple & mobile.

Also stimulating your circulatory, endocrine & immune systems, massaging organs,  stretching & toning muscles. 


 Reiki & Crystal Healing           

Physical & Emotional Healing

Balances energy both in your body and your Aura

Fosters natural self-healing. Relaxes & reduces stress & anxiety.

A non-invasive & gentle treatment suitable for everyone

Crystals are used to clear old energy that is no longer  serving you and replace with new vibrant energy. This is done via your chakra energy centres, using crystals, dowsing, colour and sound. Finishing with Reiki healing



A Step in the right direction to a Healthy Happy You…

Reflexology is excellent for relieving stress, anxiety, fatigue & boosting self-confidence. It's non-invasive, very relaxing & will improve your quality of sleep, all of which helps you to feel relaxed & able to cope with everyday life.

Reflexology stimulates the metabolism & elimination process, so can be very beneficial with lymphatic, digestive & menstrual disorders. Stimulating the detoxification process, so may also help  with weight control.

Reflexology boosts your immune system, so when colds, infections & viruses are around, they will either pass you by or you will have them for a shorter period of time, usually about 18-36 hours as opposed to the normal 5-7 days, plus the symptoms will usually be milder.


Hopi Ear Candle

A Hopi ear treatment works on the eardrum, middle ear,  eustachian tube & entire system of chambers.

The treatment is soothing, gentle & very relaxing.

A vacuum effect is created, which gently massages the ear drum

This has the effect of regulating nasal breathing, relieves sinus pressure & pain, increasing blood circulation & stimulating the lymph glands & energy reflex points

Breaking up energy blockages & balancing pressure

Some conditions Hopi Ear candles can help with;

Colds; sinusitis; rhinitis; lymph blockages in the neck; headaches; migraines; hyperactivity in children; earache; anxiety; stress; sleep disorders & age related hearing problems

Very good for relieving pressure before flying or scuba diving.

However this treatment is not suitable for people with perforated ear drums, grommets; Otitis externa & media; conditions affecting the ear (eg;eczema)

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